Client: Samsung Electronics Nordic

Samsung Seoul Searching – Brand heritage campaign on TikTok

Samsung’s brand challenge is to appeal to and engage Gen Z in the Nordics. Another challenge that Samsung has identified is that only 33% of Gen Z are aware that Samsung is from South Korea, which Samsung Electronics Nordic wanted to change. With this in mind, we identified that South Korean popular culture is a strong current trend within Gen Z – where we find an opportunity to catch the attention of the younger generation. So, we decide to create the Nordic Korean-inspired competition Samsung Seoul Searching!

Social media, concept, film, postproduction, design, strategy.

Seoul Searching is an exclusive TikTok campaign where four Nordic influencers from SE, NO, DK & FI compete against each other in three South Korean-inspired competitions. The storyline of the different competitions is driven by suitable Samsung products to increase brand awareness and engagement among Gen Z. The competitions consist of themes such as K-Food, K-Beauty, and the finale: K-Show – inspired by Korean variety shows.

Samsung Seoul Searching is Samsung Electronics Nordic’s first TikTok campaign and has shown some really great results. The competition has over 13 million views and we could also see a 30 % follower increase on Samsungs TikTok channels.


follower increase!


million views!